Sales Client Personality Profiler

What Personality Profile person are you about to meet today?

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PAL – Sales Client Personality Profiler


Every stage in the Sales process is important. From the initial contact to the follow up call after the Sales to see if the buyer is happy. Did we deliver at the end what we promised at the beginning? However, the two critical stages, that are not always first, are the Qualification and Rapport building.


The top performing Sales people are successful because they quickly understand their prospect’s personality. How do they do that? And how do they do that quickly enough when they first meet their prospect?


Some Sales people have a natural ability to understand their prospects personality at first meeting because of their personality type. Most Sales people need to learn the signals to work out their prospect’s personality type. Any Sales person can improve by developing strategy that suits the personality type in front of them. All Sales people who adapt their own style to suit the prospect’s style will close more Sales.


PAL has not been designed by psychiatrists or phycologists, or anything in-between. It has been designed by Sales people who use the scientist’s data to let Sales people get on with their jobs and close more opportunities.


PAL Objective

  • To use the 90 seconds the prospect gives us in deciding if they might buy from us, to identify their main personality type
  • To develop a winning strategy based on that personality type

Workshop outline

  • Identify the different personality types - learn to see the clues all seven personality types give out
  • Look at the features of those styles - every personality has strengths and certain traits when under pressure
  • Discover each participants personality style - your own personality will influence your approach to a prospect
  • Learn how to sell to a personality type - by presenting and closing to suit the prospect personality
  • Introduction on how our style affects the prospects personality type - to improve our people smarts
  • Make participants aware of sub styles - it’s not all about the main personality type


The training of this workshop takes a half day



$1500.00 for 3-5 participants (plus GST, available online)


Coaching Option

Training can deliver the knowledge to Sales people. The Sales person has to use it as it was taught. Going to appointments with Sales people can achieve three things:

  • Is the Sales person reading the signals, right?
  • Can they adapt ‘on the spot’ their own personality style?
  • Are they preparing the right strategy to return to the prospect with?

This optional service would be best over two additional half days at $1000.00 per half day. This may be industry dependant.


As an added bonus to ensure Sales people practise what they have leant they can download our Sales Client Profiling App below: